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Volunteer Opportunities

Ways to Volunteer at PFF

We can always use more help at PFF! Below are some volunteer opportunities for club members to become more involved in our club's programs, education, conservation and community efforts.

Join a PFF Committee

PFF has various committees responsible for the management and operation of the club. The committees include:

  • Club Stewardship
  • Fishouts
  • General Meeting and Speakers (we're actively seeking volunteers here)
  • Skills Development
  • Fundraising
  • Member Engagement and Hospitality
  • Conservation and Affiliations
  • Webmaster and Social Media

To see the committee chairpersons and volunteer members, please click HERE. (Member login required.) Those who are interested can contact the chairperson for the committee in which they're interested, or send an email to

Pescadero Creek Lagoon Sampling (typically June - October)

PFF has partnered with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), Trout Unlimited and California Trout, to work on habitat restoration and fishery studies in a long-term effort to restore the native, wild steelhead trout population at nearby Pescadero Creek on the San Mateo coast.

Lagoon sampling is typically performed during the summer and early fall months onsite at the Pescadero Creek lagoon. Click Pescadero Creek Lagoon Sampling for more information.

Pescadero Creek Angler Surveys (Dec. - Mar. only)

(Needed during local steelhead fishing season only, December through early March.)PFF is requesting its members to perform angler surveys, which can easily be done in conjunction with a fishing trip to Pescadero Creek. More information and signup forms are available HERE.

Volunteer at NCCFFI Events

PFF is one of 24 fly fishing clubs belonging to the Northern California Council of Fly Fishers International (NCCFFI), the global fly fishing organization. NCCFFI hosts events throughout the year to help clubs grow their membership and the fly fishing community in general. Click HERE to learn more!